Hide IP VPN Premium Account (Working From 2/04/2013 To 15/06/2013) By MaDLeeTs

Unknown // Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hello Everyone
This is an account for HideIPVPN.
HideIPVPN is a Software which allow's you to change your I.P address. Once your I.P address has been changed, You will be able to access any site which is blocked in your country or stay Anonymous.
To use this, Please follow the Instructions Below:

1) Download HideIPVPN From: Click Here
and Install it.
2) After Installation Open the software:
3) Once the software is Opened, You will see it like the image below:

4) In the username add MaDLeeTs
5) and the password is MaDLeeTs
6) Click Login
7) Once Logged in, Click Connect

Thats All, Enjoy
You can use it as much as you want for 1 month. After That I will have to renew it and will start to work in the next month

by MaDLeeTs